Antes de tudo

Quase todas as mulheres já foram cantadas. Algumas, inúmeras vezes. Tentaremos colocar aqui as melhores cantadas. As músicas com letras serão apresentadas com o player negro, enquanto que as instrumentais serão verdes.
Se tiver alguma sugestão ou pedido, faça.

Almost all women have already been sung. Some, numerous times. We will try to put here the best sung. Songs with lyrics will be displayed with black player, while the instrumental will be green.
If you have any suggestion or request, do it, please.

Wake up, little Susie

Autores: F. Bryant e B. Bryant
Intérprete: Buddy Holly

Um comentário:

Carlos Dantas disse...

Wake up, little Susie, wake up
Wake up, little Susie, wake up
We've both been sound asleep, wake up, little Susie, and weep
The movie's over, it's four o'clock, and we're in trouble deep
Wake up little Susie
Wake up little Susie, well

Whatta we gonna tell your mama
Whatta we gonna tell your pa
Whatta we gonna tell our friends when they say â??ooh-la-laâ??
Wake up little Susie
Wake up little Susie, well

I told your mama that you'd be in by ten
Well Susie baby looks like we goofed again
Wake up little Susie
Wake up little Susie, we gotta go home

Wake up, little Susie, wake up
Wake up, little Susie, wake up
The movie wasn't so hot, it didn't have much of a plot
We fell asleep, our goose is cooked, our reputation is shot
Wake up little Susie
Wake up little Susie, well

Whatta we gonna tell your mama
Whatta we gonna tell your pa
Whatta we gonna tell our friends when they say â??ooh-la-laâ??
Wake up little Susie
Wake up little Susie
Wake up little Susie