Antes de tudo

Quase todas as mulheres já foram cantadas. Algumas, inúmeras vezes. Tentaremos colocar aqui as melhores cantadas. As músicas com letras serão apresentadas com o player negro, enquanto que as instrumentais serão verdes.
Se tiver alguma sugestão ou pedido, faça.

Almost all women have already been sung. Some, numerous times. We will try to put here the best sung. Songs with lyrics will be displayed with black player, while the instrumental will be green.
If you have any suggestion or request, do it, please.

Mary's boy child

Autor: Jester Hairston
Intérprete: Harry Belafonte

Um comentário:

Carlos Dantas disse...

Long time ago in Bethlehem
So the Holy Bible say
Mary's boy child, Jesus Christ
Was born on Christmas day
Hark, now hear the angels singing
A newborn King today
And man will live forevermore
Because of Christmas day
Trumpets sound and angels singing
Listen to what they say
That Man will live forevermore
Because of Christmas day
While shepherds watch their flock by night
Then see a bright new shining star
Then hear a choir sing
Her music seemed to come from afar
Now, Joseph and his wife, Mary
Come to bethlehem that night
Then find no place to born she child
Not a single room was in sight
Hark, now hear the angels singing
A newborn King today
And man will live forevermore
Because of Christmas day
Trumpets sound and angels singing
Listen to what they say
That Man will live forevermore
Because of Christmas day
By and by, they find a little nook
In a stable all forlorn
And in a manger cold and dark
Mary's little Boy was born
Long time ago in Bethlehem
So the Holy Bible say
Mary's boy child, Jesus Christ
Was born on Christmas day
Hark, now hear the angels singing
A newborn King today
And man will live forevermore
Because of Christmas day
Trumpets sound and angels singing
Listen to what they say
That Man will live forevermore
Because of Christmas day