Antes de tudo

Quase todas as mulheres já foram cantadas. Algumas, inúmeras vezes. Tentaremos colocar aqui as melhores cantadas. As músicas com letras serão apresentadas com o player negro, enquanto que as instrumentais serão verdes.
Se tiver alguma sugestão ou pedido, faça.

Almost all women have already been sung. Some, numerous times. We will try to put here the best sung. Songs with lyrics will be displayed with black player, while the instrumental will be green.
If you have any suggestion or request, do it, please.


Autor: The Turtles
Intérprete: The Turtles

Um comentário:

Carlos Dantas disse...

You've got a thing about you
I just can't live without you
I really want you Elenore near me

Your looks intoxicate me
Even though your folks hate me
There's no one like you Elenore really

Elenore gee I think you're swell
And you really do me well
You're my pride and joy etcetera

Elenore can I take the time
To ask you to speak your mind
Tell me that you love me better

I really think you're groovy
Let's go out to a movie
What do you say now Elenore can we?

They'll turn the lights way down low
Maybe we won't watch the show
I think I love you Elenore love me

Elenore gee I think you're swell
And you really do me well
You're my pride and joy etcetera

Elenore can I take the time
To ask you to speak your mind
Tell me that you love me better

Elenore gee I think you're swell ah ha
Elenore gee I think you're swell ah ha a a a…